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S is for sleep

I have always been quite smug about my ability to sleep pretty much anywhere at any time; on planes, trains, buses, regardless of noise, surroundings etc. Well, over the last few months that has changed; I can still fall asleep in places other than my bed (cinema, sofa, car, bath etc.) but my sleep pattern has changed so much - actually I don't really have a sleep pattern anymore. Sometimes I can sleep for about 5 hours straight through (which is a good night for me now), whereas others I might only get about four hours in total, but split up over an 8 or 9 hour period.

I have turned into an old person falling asleep at inappropriate times and in inopportune places - like the cinema! I haven't fallen asleep at the dining table yet or mid-conversation with someone but I wouldn't be surprised.

At the moment I am feeling on the edge of extreme tiredness and odd giddiness; I got up at 1.30am after lying awake for about 2 hours, went downstairs and did some work on my blog (how hard is it to add a comments box?!) then decided to watch House of Cards again... 3 episodes later and it was 6.15am...I went back to bed and slept on and off until about 9.30am so basically I have had about 3 hours sleep.

I've got a private lesson tonight so I really hope that my tiredness doesn't kick in then. I have actually fallen asleep once or twice in lessons before when I have been extremely tired; once or twice when students were doing exams and I've been sitting marking or doing something else (sleeping!) while they were writing. In one lesson a few years ago, I remember doing the nodding dog, sitting up while asleep position then jerking awake and looking up to see one of my students watching me.... hmm slightly embarrassing, but silver linings, at least I hadn't been dribbling! Well, the student I have tonight is really lovely and interesting so I'm sure she will keep me awake!

I am quite fed up of my irregular sleep patterns now though, I am kind of apprehensive before I go to bed not knowing whether this will be a good night, will I be able to stay in bed? Will I be able to find a comfortable position? Will it be my mind or my body that keeps me awake? Last night the pain wasn't too bad but my mind was so active, I just couldn't switch off. I really hope that the radiotherapy does work and relieves the pain, but I also hope that whatever treatment I am given doesn't then have side effects which mean I get different pain which picks up where the leg pain left off. Fingers crossed ....

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