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H is for hope

This is going to be brief; not for some meaningful reason but just because I don't have much time before we go out and I still have to shower, sort out stuff to take and work out what to wear!

I've been thinking about resolutions for next year and have decided mine are going to be simple: be the exception and beat this cancer, enjoy & really appreciate life, (even the shitty days) and see friends as often as possible. (I said they were simple, not easy!)

The last quarter of 2016 has been full of firsts, not all of them good, but despite it all, there have been silver linings: I've started writing again and enjoying it; I've renewed contact with some friends, have become much closer to other friends and have been seeing them much more often; the insignificant things I used to worry about have disappeared from my consciousness without effort; my mum has taken the plunge to come and visit me on her own; caela is coming over more often; I have been surprised and humbled by the generosity and kindness of colleagues and acquaintances and have become closer to, and got to know colleagues I wouldn't have had a lot of contact with before.

So the last word for 2016 is hope; I have an abundance of it and for many different things. I hope I get through the next two chemo sessions with fewer side effects than the previous two, I hope to see many of you this year, and more than anything else I hope that I will be around for many more years to come. Oh and one more.. I hope I get through this evening without leaking excessively... that one is going to be a tall order but FFS I am sick of it... it happened again without me even realising it while I was watching.. wait for it 'Bake Off'... I mean how ridiculous is that?! So let's make this evening the exception and stop it!

Final word... big silver lining of not drinking - no hangover! For the first time in a while I will experience the 1st of January with a clear head... I will be thinking of you all waking up in a haze!

Happy New Year everyone, wherever you are! xx

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